We're driven by our mission & purpose

Purpose and profit

Purpose and mission is critical to us. And that's not just us saying it. In November 2020, we changed our company articles to reflect what we believe in writing. This has meant that from then, whenever we make a decision, we have a legal obligation to not only take into account the interests of our shareholders, but also all stakeholders: including the environment and society.

Purpose is built into who we are

We believe that saying and doing the right thing are very different. When we were co-founded by The Big Issue we set out to do things differently, not just talk about it. We put in place measures to make sure that we're held accountable for what we do and to focus our whole business around our purpose.

Our Charter

This document outlines our principles and sets out our values. Our charter defines our purpose and sets out how we serve and engage with our Big Exchange Community.

Read our Charter in full

Walking the talk

In 2021, we made a legally binding commitment to our articles of association. It put into writing that we exist to serve our whole Community, not just our shareholders.

Nigel Kershaw on walking the talk

Working to do the right thing

AriseHealth logo2020INC logoThe Paak logo

Our co-founder

We are co-founded by The Big Issue, whose mission is to dismantle poverty by creating opportunity through self-help, social trading and business solutions.

The Big Issue Logo

The Big Exchange is not part of the same company as The Big Issue. They are the largest shareholder and as a co-founder, they are a key influence on The Big Exchange. Any success of ours will be beneficial to them as it would be to all our shareholders.

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An icon of a calendar.
December 7, 2021

Can you invest to help nature?

The Big Exchange explores how investing in biodiversity can help nature.

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By joining The Big Exchange, you're doing a lot more than making your money work harder for you and others. You're helping to start a movement that aims to transform the lives of millions of people by building a fairer financial system that works for everyone.

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